Batu hempedu (gall bladder stones) terhasil dari pengumpulan sisa-sisa kolestrol dan pigment yang tidak dapat disingkirkan dan dicernakan oleh cecair hempedu (dihasilkan dihati) didalam pundi hempadu (bile duct). Pengumpulan bertahun-tahun dari sebesar pasir hingga sebesar telur angsa, pada mulanya tidak dirasai hinggalah gejala-gejala diatas timbul. Apabila pundi hempedu dipenuhi batu hempedu, maka proses pencernaan lemak dan kolestrol semakin kurang efektif lalu cecair hempedu dan kolestrol memasuki sistem darah menyebabkan pelbagai penyakit lain seperti sakit kuning, penyempitan salurdarah, tekanan darah tinggi, jantung, kerosakan hati, masalah buah pinggang, usus dan sebagainya.
Mengapa Penyakit Ini Semakin Lumrah Pada Zaman Ini???
Keadaan ini terjadi akibat tubuh tidak lagi dapat berfungsi secara efektif dalam menyingkirkan
toksin dan menguatkan sistem pertahanan badan (defence mecanism). Antara yang menyumbang kepada keadaan ini adalah cara hidup moden yang serba mudah, kurang aktiviti fizikal, makanan yang banyak kolestrol, lemak, bahan perasa, pewarna sintetik, pencemaran udara, asap kenderaan, kosmetik mengandungi kimia sintetik, alkohol dan rokok, ubat-ubatan mengandungi dadah, X-ray, kemoterapi, radioterapi, antibiotik, tekanan persekitaran, dadah sintetik dan lain-lain lagi.
Bagaimana Mengatasinya!!!
Kebiasaannya batu hempedu boleh disingkirkan melalui pembedahan konvensional, yang kosnya antara RM3000 hingga mencecah RM20 000 mengikut seriusnya keadaan pesakit tersebut.
Walaubagaimanapun anda tidak perlu lagi bimbang, kami sedia membantu dengan alternatif lebih baik, tanpa pembedahan, tanpa perlu tinggal diwad, tanpa rasa sakit, tanpa jangkitan akibat pembedahan atau tertinggal benda semasa pembedahan. Dengan kos yang amat rendah, proses semulajadi dan terbukti secara klinikal (clinical proven). Kaedah ini menggabungkan perubatan homeopati dan naturopati yang diiktiraf oleh Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (W.H.O.) Ianya dinamakan sebagai Natural Body Cleansing yang menggunakan konsep pembersihan tubuh dari toksin, mengoptimakan fungsi organ dan menguatkan pertahanan badan (defence mecanism). Anda akan melihat sendiri batu hempedu yang anda keluarkan dari tubuh anda sendiri, boleh membuat pemeriksaan X-ray sekiranya sangsi dan anda sendiri merasa perbezaan dan kelegaan yang anda alami. Ramai yang telah memilih kaedah ini berpuas hati dengan Natural Body Cleansing. Ini kerana disamping mengeluarkan batu hempedu, masalah kesihatan yang lain juga hilang atau berkurangan dengan sendirinya, seperti masalah usus, hati, jantung, sakit kulit kronik, alergi, buasir, gastrik ulser, batu karang, gout, dan lain-lain lagi.
One in ten people suffers from symptomatic (painful) gallstones, making
gallstones one of the most common digestive disorders in the world. They
are also among the most painful. Gallstone attacks are caused by an inflamed gallbladder going into spasms when a stone hits the sensitive inner lining of the gallbladder. The pain starts in the upper-right abdomen and can last for days.
Gallstones are also extremely dangerous. If left untreated, they can lead to potentially fatal complications such as ruptured gallbladder, liver failure and pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). Each year, thousands of people die from conditions brought on by untreated gallstones, and thousands more undergo risky surgery to remove their gallbladder.
Gallstones are also extremely dangerous. If left untreated, they can lead to potentially fatal complications such as ruptured gallbladder, liver failure and pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). Each year, thousands of people die from conditions brought on by untreated gallstones, and thousands more undergo risky surgery to remove their gallbladder.
You might have gallstones and not even know it. Millions of
people carry so-called 'silent' gallstones that do not cause symptoms
yet continue to grow in the gallbladder. Eventually, they grow large
enough to cause pain or internal damage.

Why Do Gallstones Form?
Gallstones are not just a problem of the gallbladder - they're also a problem of the liver. New research on gallstones has revealed they're formed by a combination of poor liver function and incomplete gallbladder contractions.
Your liver produces a digestive fluid called bile. This fluid is stored in the gallbladder and breaks down dietary fat. When we eat foods that contain fats, the gallbladder contracts completely, releasing the bile into the small intestine.
Because the liver also acts as the blood's main filter, it is exposed to
many toxins. These toxins take their toll on the liver and weaken it. Instead of producing free flowing bile, the liver produces thick, sticky bile over-saturated with cholesterol.
Gallstones form when this bile builds up in the gallbladder. Usually,
the gallbladder fully contracts and empties out bile. However, many
people have gallbladders that only partly contract. These partial
contractions leave behind bile sludge in the gallbladder. Eventually, the cholesterol molecules in the bile sludge harden to form gallstones.
Gallstones are extremely dangerous if left untreated. Tragically, many
people make the mistake of 'waiting out' their stones, hoping they will
pass on their own. You should know why waiting for a stone to pass is
one of the worst things you can do:
Waiting Longer Increases Risks of Organ Damage
By the time you can feel a gallstone, it is probably too late to wait for it to pass as it is already too large to move safely through the bile ducts. If it tries to pass through, it could become stuck, which will block the flow of bile and lead to tissue and organ damage.
By the time you can feel a gallstone, it is probably too late to wait for it to pass as it is already too large to move safely through the bile ducts. If it tries to pass through, it could become stuck, which will block the flow of bile and lead to tissue and organ damage.
Please note that it's easy to be tricked by the absence of pain.
But even silent (painless) stones are dangerous. Each years thousands of
people have to go through emergency surgery simply because they ignored
their stones, hoping they would go away. Instead, their gallstones grew
until they caused internal damage.
What Treatments are Available? Shockingly, surgical removal of the gallbladder was once the most common treatment for gallstones. Now, new advances in digestive research have led to the development of safer treatments, such as natural dissolution therapy. Discover which treatment is best for you: Cholecystectomy or gallbladder surgery was once the most common treatment for gallstones. Originally, in order to remove the gallbladder, surgeons had to perform open cholecystectomy, a risky open surgery that required at least a week long hospital stay and a month long recovery period. Later, advances in medicine allowed surgeons to do laparoscopic cholecystectomy. In this procedure, the surgeon makes tiny incisions in your abdomen and inserts a small camera and cutting tools. While this surgery is safer than open cholecystectomies, it still carries the risk of internal bleeding. Today, gallbladder surgery is seen as a last resort. The gallbladder is an important organ. Without it, the liver will drip bile directly onto the small intestine. This usually results in chronic diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome, requiring life-long changes in diet. Also, gallbladder surgery does not prevent new gallstones from forming. Even after gallbladder removal, gallstones can still form in the bile ducts. In fact, 40% of patients who have undergone gallbladder removal report continuing gallstone attacks years after their surgery! Extracorporeal Shock-Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL) is a non- invasive procedure where shockwaves are used to break apart the gallstone in the gallbladder. However, it is seldom used, as gallstones are usually too large and thick to be broken down by ESWL, and because of a risk that a shattered stone could injure nearby organs. Also, recent research suggests ESWL can damage capillaries, leading to diabetes or hypertension. Expectant Management (Wait-and-See) is unfortunately the most common approach and relies on the myth that gallstones will pass on their own. A stone seldom passes on its own. It is a rapidly growing clump that becomes harder to treat with time. Sooner or later a normal contraction of the gall bladder will propel the stone into the narrow bile ducts. A lodged stone will cause immense pain and can lead to expensive - and dangerous - complications. Rawatan Batu Dalam Hempedu cara Homeopati Oleh NOOR FAZRINA KAMAL utusan Malaysia 14.6.2007 DARAH manusia secara purata mengandungi 300 bahan kimia beracun, malah lebih merisaukan keputusan ujian darah terhadap bayi yang baru lahir mendapati kira-kira 200 jenis kimia industri terdapat dalam badan mereka. Fakta memeranjatkan ini diperoleh dari Utusan Pengguna terbitan Januari hingga Februari 2007. Sedarkah kita bahawa sistem peredaran darah amat penting bagi menyalurkan segala jenis zat yang diperlukan oleh tubuh. Pengambilan pelbagai jenis makanan dalam kehidupan seharian sejak kita dilahirkan membuatkan tubuh badan kita tidak lagi ‘sebersih’ ketika di zaman kanak-kanak. Tahukah anda, rawatan homeopati dikatakan mampu membersihkan tubuh kita. Malah yang lebih penting pundi hempedu yang selama ini bekerja keras ‘memudahkan’ penghadaman akan terus berada dalam keadaan baik walaupun tubuh ‘menelan’ pelbagai jenis makanan. Kaedah homeopati yang berteraskan tiga komponen utama iaitu tubuh, minda dan jiwa mampu memberi alternatif kepada pesakit batu hempedu menerusi sistem yang dinamakan body cleansing. Seperti yang dijelaskan dalam perubatan saintifik, punca kewujudan batu di dalam pundi hempedu disebabkan kandungan kolestrol atau pigmen yang terlalu tinggi sehingga menjadikan hempedu terlalu pekat. Menurut Pakar Perubatan Homeopati, Dr Kamarulzzaman , ramai individu terutama yang berusia 40 tahun ke atas menanggung masalah akibat kegagalan batu hempedu berfungsi. “Ia bukan setakat bebanan kesakitan kepada penghidapnya malah ia juga merunsingkan kerana kos rawatan hospital yang tinggi. Menerusi kaedah perubatan homeopati, saya menemui satu kejayaan klinikal dengan kaedah perubatan integratif, body cleansing adalah perubatan homeopati berbentuk pil yang boleh dimakan bertujuan membantu ‘mencuci’ tubuh badan,” ujarnya ketika ditemui di pusat kesihatan yang terletak di Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor, baru-baru ini. Jelas Dr Kamarulzzaman, pundi hempedu berfungsi menyimpan hempedu yang dibuat di dalam hati. Apabila seseorang makan, rembesan hempedu akan keluar dari pundi untuk membantu proses penghadaman dalam perut. “Yang menghasilkan hempedu sebenarnya ialah kolesterol yang berlebihan daripada makanan. “Pigmen serta kolesterol ini dikeluarkan daripada badan melalui hempedu. Apabila satu atau kedua-duanya terlalu tinggi, hempedu menjadi terlalu pekat, sekali gus menyebabkan batu ini terbentuk di dalam pundi hempedu.” Dr. Kamarulzzaman berkata, menerusi rawatan homeopati yang dinamakan body cleansing, pesakit tidak perlu memperuntukkan masa rawatan yang lama, malah pesakit juga tidak perlu khuatir risiko sama ada pundi hempedu akan dibuang menerusi pembedahan. “Kaedah perubatan batu hempedu menerusi rawatan homeopati dapat menyah toksik dan lebihan makanan yang terbentuk dalam tubuh badan,” jelasnya sambil memberitahu tabiat makanan yang berkolesterol tinggi adalah punca utama penyakit batu hempedu. “Bilakah kali terakhir kereta kita diservis? Mahukah kita merasai kenikmatan dan kesegaran seperti kereta yang baru diservis?’’ ujarnya sambil memberitahu maklumat lanjut boleh diperoleh dengan menghubungi talian 013 5297051. PEMAKANAN SIHAT BAGI MENGURANGKAN RISIKO PENYAKIT BATU HEMPEDU * Kurangkan makanan berminyak seperti makanan bergoreng. * Kurangkan makanan bersantan seperti kari dan rendang. * Lebihkan pemakanan sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan. * Hadkan pengambilan makanan ringan seperti coklat dan asam kepada sekali dalam tiga hari |
Natural Body Cleansing
(Human Overhaul)


This integration of homeophatic and naturophatic method of medication is recognised by W.H.O. This method able to treats almost all health disorder and internal organ malfunction without major surgery and high medical cost. This method is clinicaly proven, very safe,no side effect,no infection and no surgical scar. The concept is to do cleansing for whole body and internal organs from toxin and unwanted substance, optimizing organ function and strenghten immune system. Many of my patient who choose this treatment very satisfied because of the proven ability curing many desease and disorder at the same time. Some of special indication is: Dispose all toxin substance from the body, gallbladder stone,renal calculi,digestive disorder,heart,liver, chronic eczema, vitiligo, allergy, hypersensitive, piles, gastric, ulser, tumor, gout, ectr.

Hubungi : Shima - 019 306 8041 (Whatsapp/Telegram)
Mengeluarkan batu hempedu,batu karang(buah pinggang),
sistem penghadaman,usus,hati,jantung,penyakit kulit yang kronik seperti
psoriasis,ekzema,vitiligo),alergik,buasir,gastrik,ulser,(Human Overhaul)


This integration of homeophatic and naturophatic method of medication is recognised by W.H.O. This method able to treats almost all health disorder and internal organ malfunction without major surgery and high medical cost. This method is clinicaly proven, very safe,no side effect,no infection and no surgical scar. The concept is to do cleansing for whole body and internal organs from toxin and unwanted substance, optimizing organ function and strenghten immune system. Many of my patient who choose this treatment very satisfied because of the proven ability curing many desease and disorder at the same time. Some of special indication is: Dispose all toxin substance from the body, gallbladder stone,renal calculi,digestive disorder,heart,liver, chronic eczema, vitiligo, allergy, hypersensitive, piles, gastric, ulser, tumor, gout, ectr.
Hubungi : Shima - 019 306 8041 (Whatsapp/Telegram)
Mengeluarkan batu hempedu,batu karang(buah pinggang),
ketumbuhan(tumor) gout dan lain-lain penyakit.
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